Wednesday, 25 July 2012

My Best Tips To Make Your Skin Younger

here are my best tips to make your skin younger.

 i will provide you some basic best tips to keep your skin youth full.
basically there are 4 basic facts which can make your skin healthy.
1;never let home while 30 SPF sunscreen
4; and exfoliate.

i want to tell you that these are the basic ways to look younger....
but before going to these tips.
first you have to know which skin you have
did your skin sensitive
 and how much you care for it
basic 4 tips ;

wrinkle just cause of sun damage it,s just dew to sun.mean you can save your skin from sun so half of your problem is solved but either have to use a sunscreen of 30 spf from the early days even in cloudy and winter season you have to buy a moisturizer one for night and one for day because you can not use a sunscreen with a moisturizer.

you to buy a cleanse which is suitable for your skin and use twice a week and don,t waste money on any kind of soaps.

3;moisturize ;
mostly people says that you don,t need a moisturize but i think that the dryness of your skin tells you that how much moisturize you need if your skin is tight then its asking for moisturize rather that you don,t need a moisturize...

4 exfoliate ;
exfoliation is work which mostly women skip in there weekly skin care butt belev me that if you will exfoliate you will found a big difference in your skin softness let me explain you that why men,s skin look younger then women because they  exfoliate daily when they shave.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Celebrity Skin Care Tips

these are some celebrity  skin care tips these are the tips which are given by the make up team of top celebrities like angeleina jolie, britny speares.

they say that;
1;organic yogurt is the best face mask.

2;if you want to look your eyes bigger then use beige eye pencil rather then black one.

once in a week rub olive oil on your face and neck it will make your skin smooth and soft .

all these tips are very use full and tried by the celebrities.

Top Celebrity Beauty Tips And Tricks

the celebrity which we see are walking down the red carpet and looks flawless in movies and magazines.there skin is gorgeous, there hair are so shiny.

everybody thinks that how is this possible...?
are they do something else are we doing..
off course no.they have same skin like us they have same hair like us but they spent lots of time and money on there skin products and give time to there skin.

these are the tricks which theses celebrities use to look flawless;

1;if you putt your night cream before just going to bed then half of your cream will end up on your pillow make sure that use cream while time before going to bed,the cream will b absorb in your skin and will not waste on your bed

2;make your skin softer and fresh by giving it spa-treatment in your living room.
just boil some water put some piece of ginger into it and squeeze a half lemon.steam your face for some time it will make your skin new and fresh.

3;most important which should be in your bag is your cleanser.take a cleanser which is suitable for your skin and use it twice in a day it will make your skin soft.


Sunday, 22 July 2012

Natural Skin Care

natural skin care can improve many skin problems;
mostly problems of skin came from environment but these are the misclenious issues the major issue is that the build up of toxin in our body.the main source of the these toxins is the food we eat daily.we do not read the label of ingredients and put it in our mouth.we have to read the list of ingredients and  if we could not pronounced any word then we have to use
google and search about that and find what we are eating then we will found that how much toxin came from it.
our body make it out by way of skin and this make problems in skin.

we have researched
 for many years on botany and got very precious information about herbs and we are fascinated with the power herbs.herbs and plants are made for us to face the problems of  environment.

mostly people think
  that solving skin problem by botany or plants is a very old way and not safe way but they don,t know that human body have assault intruders.which fight against toxin and harm full ingredients of foods that we eat.

after the years of experience
 we came to know that herbs can improve many skin conditions naturally.
herb and plants means a thing which is made by nature so there are many kind of vitamins into it.which can make conditioned our skin and the use of these herbs is very easy and can find any where with the name of natural skin care.