Monday, 23 July 2012

Top Celebrity Beauty Tips And Tricks

the celebrity which we see are walking down the red carpet and looks flawless in movies and magazines.there skin is gorgeous, there hair are so shiny.

everybody thinks that how is this possible...?
are they do something else are we doing..
off course no.they have same skin like us they have same hair like us but they spent lots of time and money on there skin products and give time to there skin.

these are the tricks which theses celebrities use to look flawless;

1;if you putt your night cream before just going to bed then half of your cream will end up on your pillow make sure that use cream while time before going to bed,the cream will b absorb in your skin and will not waste on your bed

2;make your skin softer and fresh by giving it spa-treatment in your living room.
just boil some water put some piece of ginger into it and squeeze a half lemon.steam your face for some time it will make your skin new and fresh.

3;most important which should be in your bag is your cleanser.take a cleanser which is suitable for your skin and use it twice in a day it will make your skin soft.


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